Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Computer Storage Continuity

With powerful Web Cams at home and HandyCams available with each and every kids. Some really memorable Videos are created every week which need to be stored for the progeny to know about their lineage. Photographs can be clicked via Web Cams every day when you look good. With Mobile Cameras adding to videos and Photographs which you shoot when you are out door at picnic, shopping at Mall or in Office in a Humourous mood or situation.

All this adds to Gigabytes of Storage space per week. The question which arises is where to store about 1 TB of data every month or year depending on your activities. And how to migrate this data, or carry this data, or share this data , or access this data any time any where.

The answer is simple . The web. Store your videos in YouTube or Revver. Nowadays each videos size can be 100 MB, plenty enough. Even Indian sites allow unlimited media storage space in E-Mail account like Rediff mail does. Flickr obviously for photos. The beauty of the matter is that you can store all this publicly , privately only for your family and friends hence having a total control over the accessibility of the data which you create and store.

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