Sunday, October 14, 2007

Technology And Security

The security of web sites are more compromised today than ever, what with applications using cloud computing are ever increasingly using the net to connect to the partners and stakeholders like the suppliers, distributers and sometimes even the end users themselves. This collaboration on one hand increases the synergistic effect of business and increased revenues but also results in incresed threat vis - a -vis internal threats and external threats like social engineering and phishing of data.

So if you are into Extra Corporate enterprise relationships make sure that you take the requisite steps to stem the menace of compromised security. Make sure you are connected to stakeholder through secure VPN and make sure there are right security policies in the organisation to curb social engineering.

Occasionally take the help of ethical hackers to proactively scout your business site and server for vulnerabilities and periodically conduct a security audit to check the security readiness and DR and BC readiness.

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