Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dealing With Spam

Apart from setting up filters and blocking the E-Mail, mostly spammers find way of getting into our inboxes and the only way we can deal with the nuisance is to delete the mails manually. I think the folloowing suggestions can help. I useRediffmail and have not found these features there. I hope I get paid for this Idea.

1. Once the spammer gets your address, he sends you mail every day, ( Like a failthful spouse or lover). The problem is accentuated in case you logged after some days. What happens then. If there is a facilty of selecting a E-Mail and deleting all mails originating from this address then it would be a fine proposition. Also if I could delete all mails from a domain it would be helpful.

2. Also if there is a facilty of deleting all the mails from a particular date onwards, that is before a particular date it would be helpful.

Bye For Now,

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