Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Business Process Re-engineering ( BPR )

BPR is a process which is used by organisation to constantly upgrade and re-invent their processes for revitalisation and improved ROI. It is common business knowledge that constant processes in the business timeline at best can only givea medocre return. So the processes should be constantly improved. OK improved but to what degree. People have different views on this, some say it should be incremental some say disruptive. I think it is situational. If there is a new technology in the market it would require a disruptive BPR endeavour, but on ongoing increamental BPR should be taken on a ongoing manner to improve business ROI. It is imperative to remember that the cost of BPR is high and failure rate upto 70%. So tread the path with caution. Also an important concept to be considered while executing a BPR project is to continuously unlearn old ways of doing things, resistance to change or sticking to old ways due to emotional reasons would only create expensive mishaps.

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